Michael M. Lieber Ph.D., Plant Genetic Engineering and Developmental Biology Expert.

Figure 3b - Embryogenesis from bean callus producing bean shoots. Callus was derived from the meristem of a bud apex. Callus was cultured on medium with 0.1mM methylglyoxal and 10 mg/L ascorbic acid.

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Embryogenesis from bean callus producing bean shoots. Callus was derived from the meristem of a bud apex.

Michael M. Lieber Ph.D., Plant Genomics & Developmental Biology Consultant and Expert Offering Creative Paradigms for Scientific Advancement in Agriculture and Medicine, with Emphasis on Plant Genetics, Plant Genetic Engineering and Developmental Biology, e.g., Organogenesis. 

All photos and written content (c) Michael M. Lieber. 

  (c) Michael M. Lieber
Genadyne Consulting Berkeley, CA 
(510) 526-4224
E-Mail:  michaellieber@juno.com                                                
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Developmental Geneticist Biological Researcher Plant Genomics & Developmental Biology Consultant / Expert Offering Creative Paradigms for Scientific Advancement in Agriculture and Medicine, with Emphasis on Plant Genetics / Genetic Engineering and Developmental Biology, e.g., Organogenesis. Michael M. Lieber, Ph.D. Berkeley, CA (510) 526-4224 

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